You can tell I live in the UK, because it's only in September 2009 that VH1's Tough Love reality show has hit our screens. I love it!
You really learn something new every night (11pm), or rather- you hear something you've heard a million times before but never bothered to consider it actually might be of some use if you're a singleton subjecting yourself to dates in the name of finding love. The shows ballsy matchmaker and host, Steve Ward, tries to get a bunch of women to see dating from the male POV.
There's no sugar-coating those myths and delusions that the women claim are the reasons behind them being single; in fact, I definitely see myself in the well-intentioned but very confused behaviour on display in the house. The girls all have nicknames reflecting their key dating flaws. The one I most resemble? Miss Picky, without a doubt! I'm not yet at the tiara wearing stage or trusting a pet to pick my dates, as poor Abiola does, but I have my fair share of crazy. One of which: if you're not an astrological fit, we have issues...or is that, I have issues? Hmn...
Anyway, I sit there laughing, ohhing and O.M.G!! mouthing along with the resident drama queen, Taylor (Miss Gold Digger), but what stays with me by the end of each funny episode will be one of Steve's top 100 dating rules. Tonight's top tip for me? Rule#73: Don't try to out-think love. Love is emotional, not cerebral. Sometimes you can be so smart it makes you stupid. Find out if he's on your level.
So very true, for all Miss Picky Overthinkers out there. Can't wait to see what tomorrow's penultimate episode brings, though I can guess: more cat fights, another Ariane or Jody meltdown, possibly some more confrontation between Steve (hot, in a jock kind of way) and hard-to-read Jessa, aka Ms "I don't like you".
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