From the moment I hear C+C Music Factor's "GONNA MAKE YOU SWEAT", I get excited. 'Running Man dance' excited, and all because my current favourite advert is just starting. Who needs X-Factor? No Sir, I got me a TV Ad.
It's not an innovative ad, like the Sony Bravia Bouncy Balls or Volkswagen Golf 'Singing in the Rain' spots.
The infectious beat starts and coloured circles envelope the stage to expose alien-like silhouettes waiting their cue. With a lights setting change to 'disco', the figures begin their routine in earnest. There's the runnning man, various two step manoeuvres, hand swooping, throwing their big head in a loopy circle and static posing. All this happens in front of a garish feature wall with BET365 BINGO before a tannoy announcement 'Hey Bingo Heads!...' telling us about a £1M Bonanza up for grabs on their website, and the end of the routine.
It's like watching kids in a talent show: plenty of hardwork and attention to detail, but not much talent. Or maybe an amateur dance off.
Therein lies its charm and resonance: low key, cheese. Simple, fun (the RUNNING MAN!) and memorable. "EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!!!"