The only one to deliver a perfect pitch was Joe Mcelderry. And when I think about it, it's always Joe who quietly performs well week in, week out.
It's not often I'll agree with Cheryl, but I totally understand the sisterly care she shows to Joe. He's a little sweetheart, and what I like most about him is how understated he is. Everyone else draws their fans based on reasons not wholly related to singing. Ollie is 'fit', Lloyd is a teen girls wet dream, Danyl has the Marmite quality (love it or hate it) and Stacey is coasting on Eliza Doolittle charm.
Joe also gave the only performance of the night that drew my eye up from my laptop to listen. Coming at the end of a lacklustre show, little more than 60 minutes of background music while I worked, was some feat.
JOE for the finals. ALLEZ JOE!!
UPDATE: I was just checking youtube for a clip of tonight's performance to include- too early, is the answer. But what I found was maybe better- a fellow Joe believer! So if you don't believe me, listen to Sharky1105
UPDATE II: Joe's performance 21 November 2009
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